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Fish Goujon Tacos with Mango Salsa & Pickled Shallots

Fish Goujon Tacos with Mango Salsa & Pickled Shallots

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1.   First, make thepickled shallots. Top and tail the shallots, discard the peel and slice intothin rings. In a jar or small bowl, combine the vinegar and sugar and stiruntil the sugar has dissolved. Add the rings to the liquid, separating theminto their individual layers. Ensure the shallots are completely covered andallow to pickle for at least 1 hour but ideally overnight.

2.   Next, make yourgoujons. Take the fish and place on a clean chopping board. Cut intoapproximately 1cm x 6cm strips. In a shallow bowl, measure out the plain flourbefore seasoning well with salt and pepper. In a second bowl add your eggsbefore lightly whisking. In a third bowl, measure out the breadcrumbs.

3.   Take the fish stripsand first coat fully in the flour, knocking off any excess. Next, dip thestrips into the egg allowing any excess egg to drip off, before finally addingto the breadcrumb bowl ensuring the fish is completely coated. Set the goujonsaside whilst you heat the oil over a medium-high heat. Test the oil is hotusing a small piece of bread - you want the oil to sizzle immediately when thebread is dropped in but not brown too quickly.

4.   In batches, gentlydrop the goujons into the hot oil and allow to fry for 3 - 4 minutes untilgolden and crisp. Remove from the oil and place on some kitchen roll to drainoff any excess oil.

5.   Just before serving,make the salsa. Add the finely diced mango to a bowl along with the shallot,chilli and coriander. Squeeze in the juice of half a lime and cut the otherhalf into wedges for serving. Stir all the ingredients together well.

6.   When ready to serveplace the fried goujons on a large serving board along with the bowl of salsa,soft tacos and shredded lettuce. In a small bowl simply combine the mayo andchilli sauce and serve to the table with the pickled shallots. Allow everyone totuck in and build their own fish taco.

UK Shallot Author
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UK Shallots
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